Silliness for Sorting Saturday

OK, I know this is silly, but I ran all my blog posts through Wordle:


I know, I know.  It doesn’t really have anything to do with genealogy.  But it amuses me.  And maybe I need to branch out beyond the Gillespie lines!

5 thoughts on “Silliness for Sorting Saturday

  1. wakela

    This is really interesting. Even though I had been working on my family tree for what seems like ages, I just started blogging about it. Maybe once I get going on my blog I will do this just to see what topics I use the most.

    1. Jana Last

      Anne, I think I answered my own question regarding if you just used your blog’s URL to form the word cloud. I put your blog’s URL in the field and that word cloud is different from the one you posted. So, now I’m curious about how you inserted all your blog posts into the field. Please do tell. 🙂

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